Tricks & Treats!
Below are some promotional materials your library can use to to get your patrons excited about the Ooky Spooky Magic Show program. If you have not booked you program date and want to request a date or ask for more information click the button below.
You have a few different poster option to choose from. Choose your favorite! Blank space has been left for you to add the date/time, location, registration info, etc.
They can be downloaded as pdf files or as png files.
They can be downloaded as pdf files or as png files.
Social Media Post
Share it with your followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and wherever your patrons follow you. Posting about your event helps make a buzz and build excitement.

ooky_spooky_magic_show_social_media_post.png | |
File Size: | 1411 kb |
File Type: | png |
Sample Social Media Post
An example of a post might be,
Are you ready for some spooky fun with the magic of reading ? Join magical story-teller Conrad Cologne as we use magic to bring some amazing stories to life. Watch a ghost fly through the air, watch a pumpkin get carved by magic, and SO MUCH MORE! The show will be on DATE but you can register today. The Link is in our bio or you can visit our website.
#Library #Halloween #LibraryPrograms #TheMagicOfConrad #ConradCologne #MagicShow #OokySpookyShow
Are you ready for some spooky fun with the magic of reading ? Join magical story-teller Conrad Cologne as we use magic to bring some amazing stories to life. Watch a ghost fly through the air, watch a pumpkin get carved by magic, and SO MUCH MORE! The show will be on DATE but you can register today. The Link is in our bio or you can visit our website.
#Library #Halloween #LibraryPrograms #TheMagicOfConrad #ConradCologne #MagicShow #OokySpookyShow
Press Release
The media is always looking for positive stories in the community. Contact your local radio stations and newspapers to let them know about the program heading your way! Here is a sample press release, just fill in your information, and send it out! Just remember to add a sentence about how to register for the program..

ooky_spooky_magic_show__press_release_ed_sept_2022.docx | |
File Size: | 15 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Want to make your own poster?
Some libraries make their own posters and flyers and that's great. You can use the information and photos below to do so if you wish.
Program Title
The Ooky Spooky Magic Show
Sub Title (optional)
A mysterious, kooky and little bit spooky family magic show
Program Description
Get ready to hoot howl and scream with delight with magical story-teller Conrad Cologne as we use magic to bring some amazing stories to life. Watch a ghost fly through the air, watch a pumpkin get carved by magic, and SO MUCH MORE! It's ooky spooky mysterious and kooky all rolled into a fun family event.